How to Declutter Your Home Before Moving Day

One of the most challenging aspects of moving is deciding what you need to take with you and what you don’t. Everyone accumulates excess, unneeded stuff over the years that doesn’t have any really useful place in your new home. Here are some tips on how to declutter your home before moving day so you don’t end up taking all of that clutter along with you to your next place.

Declutter Tip 1: Take Inventory

Create a checklist of everything you own. Yes – everything! This will save you a lot of time in the long run, compared to the confusing task of going through your things and deciding which items to keep as you pack them. Make 3 columns, listing things that are broken, rarely or never used, and often used. This will help you know what to toss, sell, or keep before you begin packing. Never keep things just because you might use them someday. Chances are if you haven’t used them in years, you won’t ever use them.

Declutter Tip 2: Ask Professional Movers

Your new home is a clean slate that many people want to keep clean and free of unwanted items and outdated furniture. If your old furniture or items still have some life, consider donating them. Ask your professional movers ahead of time if they would be willing to drop off your items to a donation center.

If you plan on using professional movers, check out our blog post: What to Look for in Your Orlando Moving Company.

Declutter Tip 3: Have a Moving Sale

People love bargains! Having a moving sale is a great way to get rid of things you don’t need and raise extra money for your move at the same time. Spread the word about your moving sale via social media, posters, friends, and family. Tag the items with prices to save yourself a lot of wasted time answering questions about the cost of each item. Also, keep prices reasonable and be prepared to strike a deal with someone who wants to buy multiple items.

Declutter Tip 4: Store It

If you have some larger items that won’t fit into your new place but you just can’t bear to part with yet, consider storing them. Storage units are often not too expensive to rent. A friend who has a big empty basement or garage might also be willing to store your stuff for a while. You can keep these items in storage until you decide exactly what to do with them. Make sure any items that are sensitive to moisture are sealed properly to protect them. Label everything that you want to store, so you won’t have to dig through piles of boxes later to find what you’re looking for.

Moving day can be a lot less stressful if you downsize and declutter beforehand. Use the advice above to declutter your home and avoid taking unneeded items with you.

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